The prices we achieve on land sold, traded and purchased run consistently higher than the market averages, whether it was done through private sale, auction or bid.
If you are looking for the highest profit as well as someone you can count on to take care of the details,
call on
We Offer Sales By:
- Exclusive listing
- Private treaty
- Private and public auction
- Sealed bid
We Offer Purchases By:
- Non-exclusive listing
- Private treaty
- Closed auction
- 1031 like-kind exchanges
When Selling - What We Do At Our Expense:
- Prepare an attractive brochure
- Send promotional information to a large prospect list
- Advertise
- Post attractive for-sale signage on property
- Show the property to prospects
- Use innovative ideas to market or purchase
For over 100 years, Agrivest's farm and sales professionals have been providing customers with sound guidance based on a commitment to service and experience. Their experience stems from being raised on Midwest farms and learning firsthand the complexities of agribusiness.
With our roots running deep in U.S. agriculture, we are able to counsel clients on issues ranging from land exchanges to the fast-changing rules and regulations affecting US agriculture.
Part of Agrivest's success lies in the belief that education is vital to providing quality service. All of Agrivest professionals are college graduates and state licensed real estate agents. In addition, the staff consists of many accredited farm managers and a state certified agronomist.
To stay ahead of the many changes in technology and regulations, our professionals also attend numerous schools and seminars and conduct many in-house training sessions.
Our team of farm and sales professionals know that success comes not from merely knowing market trends or the average price of land sold in the region. We recognize that true success comes from our clients' recognition that they have received the best advice, personal attention and value possible.
At Agrivest, we understand that purchasing or selling your land is one of the most important transactions you will ever make. That is why we are committed to providing you with professionals who know the business - inside and out.
At Agrivest Our Sales Persons Will:
- Always represent your best interests
- Work closely with your attorney/accountant
- Advise you on all aspects of the transaction
- Closely inspect and analyze the property
- Do an income analysis of the property
- Conduct an area market study to help you set a profitable price
- Handle all the details through closing
- Comply with all laws, regulations and codes of ethics
- Ensure you receive the best price